I have this really cute alarm clock that's sounds, looks and smiles just like Charlie and it wakes me up around 6am every morning. At least getting up at this time I can sqeeze more stuff into a day...because I obviously don't do enough as it is!!! If writing this diary has shown me anything, it's how much I acctually do each day, no wonder I am so buggered by the end of it. Another thing I have learned is the I have a shocking memory, thank goodness for camera's and the "voice memo" AP on my iphone. I wont even mention the time spent washing up and putting cloths away and making beds...cus thats just too boring.
So, got up early, well I didn't actually get up I waited in bed until I got a cuppa tea from dearest Danny who was home again today (YAY). I managed to do a bit more on my hat while Danny cuddled Charlie, and got the dinner in the crock pot.

After breakfast Noah and Eli got stuck into decorating their new cardboard cubby house, talk about the best $12 I have every spent.
After breakfast Noah and Eli got stuck into decorating their new cardboard cubby house, talk about the best $12 I have every spent.
They started out with texta's and then Noah had the idea that it would be faster to paint it. Their enthusiasm lasted about 2 hours before burn out occured and paint lay baking in the sun out side. But they keep going back to it, it's great investment.

We did our reading, Josh made a to do list, which seemed to be a big help in getting himself organised for the day, so he got on with his stuff as well as going for a drive with Danny up town. Josh learnt how to do "purl" on his knitting and so is now kniting stocking stitch, well done. Noah and Eli did a far bit of knitting today too, Noah is powering along, at this rate he could solve all global warming problems with one great big scarf.
I washed and hung about a hundred loads of washing, it was such a beautiful day too, so we really enjoyed just being outside, the boys jumping on the tramp. Josh looked after Charlie while Noah and I hit the lawns with the mower, he's a champian at it. Josh took over to do the back lawn while I whipper snippered, or tried to , it was very short lived as it konked out a short way into it. The chooks were happy to see some lovley greens to peck though and some fresh water and foods.
Well deserved icecreams all round after mowing and weeding xxoo
Noah did some copywork and maths, he did very well with his school work today. He and Josh went down to the bike jump at around 4 and I gave Charlie and Eli a bath in the laundry tub(lucky Eli is a little match stick man and folds up to the size of a 6 month old). Chuckles loved his bath and nuddie roll round on the floor.
Everyone was a bit tired this afternoon (must have been all the mowing), so the boys watched Tom & Jerry and looked after Charlie while I got dinner and washing sorted. (Charlie has decided he doesn't need to sleep any more), so while everyone ate dinner Charlie & I went for a "relaxing" walk around the block...you have no idea how stimulateing birds & cars are to a 6 month old. (We smelld some roses, Charlie licked them and got rose petals stuck to his boogers, very cute)Needless to say it still took a further hour to get him to sleep when we got home.

Now all babies & Danny are asleep and I am soon o follow. Another wonderful day.
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