Friday, December 11, 2009

Week Two - Diary Thursday 10th Dec 2009

Today was burn out day, you know the ones that are such an effort to get through an you are counting down to bed time. The kids were great it was just me. Sleep deprivation had finally caught up with me. However I did press on as a busy day lay ahead.

We had our friends Khobi and Manny with us today, so we headed off early to pick them up and then drove down to Rosebud to pick up our veges from Rosmary's, a lady who grows and sells organic veges, so the kids talked to the goat and the chooks and their other friends who were there as well. After a couple of other errands we headed home for a play and some lunch before basketball. The kids I think were pretty worn out too, as they just chilled out and played lego.

Basketball was fun again, I had a nice chat with the mums and did some knitting while the boys played, they seem to really enjoy themselves. It was the last one for the year, so there was a picnic afterwards. I had more driving around to do so I left Noah & Eli with Kylie and Josh with Robyn so they could keep playing. They had a nice time and I picked them up after I had run yet more errands.

We had chicken parma for dinner, yummo. Josh helped me cook it and Eli helped cut up the salad.

After dinner, Danny went straight to bed and the boys got in their PJ's and did some knitting. I taught Noah how to do purl stitch too, he picked it up really quickly.

And then a glass of milk and off to bed.

Phew what a busy day, I was so glad when I could crawl into bed, I swear I drove million KM's today.

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