Finally got a half decent sleep last night, thank you Charlie baby, so I was a bit more with it today. All the boys just really wanted to do their knitting this morning.
Josh is knitting a face washer for his Nanna, we have several KG's of melt and pour soap, so he is going to make some soaps and face washers as gifts, nice idea, the face washer is coming along very nicely. Noah started a very special project today too that I will keep a secret for now. He is such a pro, all of them are.So knitting worked well for me as I was aiming for a quiet day anyway, we listened to Dr. Seuss stories while we knitted.

I sewed a little more of my hat, however, I am not very enthused to complete it, as it just isn't going according to plan, but whats more I received a most wonder parcel in the post today from my lovely sister which was exploding with beautiful fabric for a new hat...I need a new hat, I want a new hat so I might have to neglect the blog next week in order to create some sewing time.
The boys made some pictures to send off to different people with some photos I've had printed to share with different family members, They played light sabers (as they do)and other such games.
We read more of King Aurthur. I made home made baked beans for lunch, and all round fave with the kids (way better than the bought kind so they say, Noah will turn into a baked bean if he doesn't be careful) and then we needed to take Josh up to his dad's where he is spending the weekend. Issac was so excited to see him, poor little mite was sick though.
After checking the mail we finished the grocery shopping I didn't finish yesterday (not very exciting).
Kids just played around in the afternoon, while I cleaned up and put shopping away and got Charlie to sleep, several times over.
What sweet sweet brothers (Kylie has lent me her baby sling, so we are having fun carrying Chuckles around in that, thank Kylie.)
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