We had Kylie and the boys over for a play and a catch up, the boys were all pretty tired it seemed and remained pretty chilled for the most part. Kylie and I talked home school stuff, seems like we are going to have a pretty fun year next year.As per every Monday afternoon Josh and Noah had tennis at Moorooduc tennis club with Jason, however we were much saddened by the news that he will not be able to continue to coach tennis next year. It is for bigger and better things though, so we are very happy for him, now we need to find a new coach though, another job for next year.
We had a nice morning at home doing this and that followed by an afternoon visit from our friends Sacha and Maddy, some home school friends of ours we are getting to know better. We had a really lovely afternoon. The boys and Maddy played different things and we did some knitting out under the shade of the clothesline (with a sheet over it) and chatted. Danny was over in Geelong working so he stayed there a few nights. Tuesday night saw pizza for dinner for us and a movie
We packed up some things and headed down to Phillip Island. Auntie dawn had arranged some accommodation for us for a couple of nights. They and Charlotte were staying down there for the week, so we thought we'd have a little mid week get away down there. The kids had a great time swimming in the pool, going to the beach, eating ice creams and playing in the games room with Uncle Don. It was a hot day so we had dinner outside near the BBQ it was lovely.

The house we rented could only be described as "interesting" and "eclectic" and "has charm" and "homely". These things I can handle, but the dirty bedding and bathroom was a bit much, however we struggled on and thankfully we'd anticipated such things and brought our own bedding ( and the boys had lots of swims). Absolutely everything in the whole was opshop bought, it was actually very interesting, you've never seen so much brown, mustard and orange all together in one place. Anyway moving on, Janine came down that evening so it was nice to see her too.
The boys and I had a sleep in and watched cartoons (as you do on holidays) and did some school work and generally just chilled out in the morning. At midday we went to San Remo to watch the pelicans feed, that was exciting (and wet) so we dried off with some delicious fish and chips at the fish Co.op there (just opened and highly recommended). Uncle Don took all the kids (except Charlie) back to the apartment to watch and movie while AD, J9 and I went looking at shops. We had a lovely time looking in lots of cute little shops as this is not something I do often it was very nice, and Charlie being the wonderful baby that he is slept the whole time.

We arrived back at the apartment to find that Uncle and the kids had been locked out of the apartment, but managed to amused them selves in the games rooms. kiddies went for another swim and they washed up and we went out to Mexican for dinner. This I had never done before so was a new experience, as were the margaritas we indulged in...
The babies were all a bit tired, so I ended up leaving quite quickly once we had eaten. Janine came over to visit once Charlotte had gone to bed.

We packed up to go home, we were hoping we'd get to see a few things before we left, but we ran out of time. we had a bit of a drive around and then decided we needed more of those fish and chips in San Remo. We arrived home to find Danny had also arrived home from Geelong, so it was nice to spend the afternoon hanging out at home. Danny had finished work for the year, so we celebrated by trying our first batch of home brew. It was totally awesome, so much better than we were expecting. We are very excited about this, it so rewarding to make something and it actually works.
Josh was picked up early to go and play tennis a Somers. I had a laze around as Like to do on a Saturday morning. We decided to go camping since we had a few days to spare and the weather was looking good. We headed off after lunch toward a place we'd been 4wding the week before, The Big River National Park. We searched and searched for that perfect spot, we love getting as far away from anywhere as we possibly can, and we certainly achieved that this trip. found a nice little nook on the river. Danny & the boys cooked up jaffles for dinner and checked out the creek. Finally got all to bed, it had been a long day.
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