Thursday, December 24, 2009
Diary Week Three - Camping Highlights
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Week Three - Round Up
I decided this week I wasn't going to attack the blog every day, which worked out well because there was either not a lot happening or we were away...all or nothing it seems. So here goes my remembering

We had Kylie and the boys over for a play and a catch up, the boys were all pretty tired it seemed and remained pretty chilled for the most part. Kylie and I talked home school stuff, seems like we are going to have a pretty fun year next year.As per every Monday afternoon Josh and Noah had tennis at Moorooduc tennis club with Jason, however we were much saddened by the news that he will not be able to continue to coach tennis next year. It is for bigger and better things though, so we are very happy for him, now we need to find a new coach though, another job for next year.
We had a nice morning at home doing this and that followed by an afternoon visit from our friends Sacha and Maddy, some home school friends of ours we are getting to know better. We had a really lovely afternoon. The boys and Maddy played different things and we did some knitting out under the shade of the clothesline (with a sheet over it) and chatted. Danny was over in Geelong working so he stayed there a few nights. Tuesday night saw pizza for dinner for us and a movie
We packed up some things and headed down to Phillip Island. Auntie dawn had arranged some accommodation for us for a couple of nights. They and Charlotte were staying down there for the week, so we thought we'd have a little mid week get away down there. The kids had a great time swimming in the pool, going to the beach, eating ice creams and playing in the games room with Uncle Don. It was a hot day so we had dinner outside near the BBQ it was lovely.

The house we rented could only be described as "interesting" and "eclectic" and "has charm" and "homely". These things I can handle, but the dirty bedding and bathroom was a bit much, however we struggled on and thankfully we'd anticipated such things and brought our own bedding ( and the boys had lots of swims). Absolutely everything in the whole was opshop bought, it was actually very interesting, you've never seen so much brown, mustard and orange all together in one place. Anyway moving on, Janine came down that evening so it was nice to see her too.
The boys and I had a sleep in and watched cartoons (as you do on holidays) and did some school work and generally just chilled out in the morning. At midday we went to San Remo to watch the pelicans feed, that was exciting (and wet) so we dried off with some delicious fish and chips at the fish Co.op there (just opened and highly recommended). Uncle Don took all the kids (except Charlie) back to the apartment to watch and movie while AD, J9 and I went looking at shops. We had a lovely time looking in lots of cute little shops as this is not something I do often it was very nice, and Charlie being the wonderful baby that he is slept the whole time.

We arrived back at the apartment to find that Uncle and the kids had been locked out of the apartment, but managed to amused them selves in the games rooms. kiddies went for another swim and they washed up and we went out to Mexican for dinner. This I had never done before so was a new experience, as were the margaritas we indulged in...
The babies were all a bit tired, so I ended up leaving quite quickly once we had eaten. Janine came over to visit once Charlotte had gone to bed.

We packed up to go home, we were hoping we'd get to see a few things before we left, but we ran out of time. we had a bit of a drive around and then decided we needed more of those fish and chips in San Remo. We arrived home to find Danny had also arrived home from Geelong, so it was nice to spend the afternoon hanging out at home. Danny had finished work for the year, so we celebrated by trying our first batch of home brew. It was totally awesome, so much better than we were expecting. We are very excited about this, it so rewarding to make something and it actually works.
Josh was picked up early to go and play tennis a Somers. I had a laze around as Like to do on a Saturday morning. We decided to go camping since we had a few days to spare and the weather was looking good. We headed off after lunch toward a place we'd been 4wding the week before, The Big River National Park. We searched and searched for that perfect spot, we love getting as far away from anywhere as we possibly can, and we certainly achieved that this trip. found a nice little nook on the river. Danny & the boys cooked up jaffles for dinner and checked out the creek. Finally got all to bed, it had been a long day.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Week Two - Diary Saturday 12th Dec 2009
We told ourselves to "Get Lost" we did, literally.
Danny was keen to get away for the day and go for a drive, we got out early and head for Warburton, I'd never been there before, what a beautiful place, I DEFINITELY want to go back there for an explore and a play. We only stopped briefly for a potty break and a chat with the ducks and to climb a few trees.

From there we head to a place on Lake Eildon where Danny had taken Josh camping and hunting sometime before. The problem with this was that when he went last time he wasn't driving, he was in the passengers seat drinking beer (Josh wasn't driving by the way, they went with friends) and obviously not paying a great deal of attention to the details of the trip. So unfortunately we missed a turn off very early in the piece and ended up goodness knows where (well we know where now, but at the time we didn't have a clue) driving up some goat track that twisted and wound through the ranges, often very skinny and very unfriendly drop offs. Charlie knew we were going the wrong way, he's wasn't enjoying him self AT ALL. In all fairness, it was beautiful and we probably will go back and do the track on purpose one day as it's very remote and pretty and lots of camping spots. Danny was have a "making less appealing decisions" kinda day, and so we also took the Super Scenic route home as well (that was once we know where we were again of course). Jemison is very pretty this time of year.
We stopped for a play at Mount Matlock and the boys really enjoyed it there, they hadn't played Star Wars aaaaaall day so they were right into it. It was so beautiful there, we hung for a while and had a cuppa and restored our energy for the journey home.
We stopped for some truck stop hamburgers on the way home and another break, Charlie was getting jack of the trip by this point, but we pulled in home (to find we *Danny* had left the garage door open for the whole day, amazingly nothing was taken) around 9:30pm, to boys were soooo filthy I had to shower even though it was late.
Now they are all tucked up in bed and I am about to do the same.
What an adventurous day we had.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Week Two - Diary Friday 11th Dec 2009
Finally got a half decent sleep last night, thank you Charlie baby, so I was a bit more with it today. All the boys just really wanted to do their knitting this morning.
Josh is knitting a face washer for his Nanna, we have several KG's of melt and pour soap, so he is going to make some soaps and face washers as gifts, nice idea, the face washer is coming along very nicely. Noah started a very special project today too that I will keep a secret for now. He is such a pro, all of them are.So knitting worked well for me as I was aiming for a quiet day anyway, we listened to Dr. Seuss stories while we knitted.

I sewed a little more of my hat, however, I am not very enthused to complete it, as it just isn't going according to plan, but whats more I received a most wonder parcel in the post today from my lovely sister which was exploding with beautiful fabric for a new hat...I need a new hat, I want a new hat so I might have to neglect the blog next week in order to create some sewing time.
The boys made some pictures to send off to different people with some photos I've had printed to share with different family members, They played light sabers (as they do)and other such games.
We read more of King Aurthur. I made home made baked beans for lunch, and all round fave with the kids (way better than the bought kind so they say, Noah will turn into a baked bean if he doesn't be careful) and then we needed to take Josh up to his dad's where he is spending the weekend. Issac was so excited to see him, poor little mite was sick though.
After checking the mail we finished the grocery shopping I didn't finish yesterday (not very exciting).
Kids just played around in the afternoon, while I cleaned up and put shopping away and got Charlie to sleep, several times over.
What sweet sweet brothers (Kylie has lent me her baby sling, so we are having fun carrying Chuckles around in that, thank Kylie.)
Week Two - Diary Thursday 10th Dec 2009
Today was burn out day, you know the ones that are such an effort to get through an you are counting down to bed time. The kids were great it was just me. Sleep deprivation had finally caught up with me. However I did press on as a busy day lay ahead.
We had our friends Khobi and Manny with us today, so we headed off early to pick them up and then drove down to Rosebud to pick up our veges from Rosmary's, a lady who grows and sells organic veges, so the kids talked to the goat and the chooks and their other friends who were there as well. After a couple of other errands we headed home for a play and some lunch before basketball. The kids I think were pretty worn out too, as they just chilled out and played lego.
Basketball was fun again, I had a nice chat with the mums and did some knitting while the boys played, they seem to really enjoy themselves. It was the last one for the year, so there was a picnic afterwards. I had more driving around to do so I left Noah & Eli with Kylie and Josh with Robyn so they could keep playing. They had a nice time and I picked them up after I had run yet more errands.
We had chicken parma for dinner, yummo. Josh helped me cook it and Eli helped cut up the salad.
After dinner, Danny went straight to bed and the boys got in their PJ's and did some knitting. I taught Noah how to do purl stitch too, he picked it up really quickly.
And then a glass of milk and off to bed.
Phew what a busy day, I was so glad when I could crawl into bed, I swear I drove million KM's today.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Week Two - Diary Wednesday 9th Dec 2009
I have this really cute alarm clock that's sounds, looks and smiles just like Charlie and it wakes me up around 6am every morning. At least getting up at this time I can sqeeze more stuff into a day...because I obviously don't do enough as it is!!! If writing this diary has shown me anything, it's how much I acctually do each day, no wonder I am so buggered by the end of it. Another thing I have learned is the I have a shocking memory, thank goodness for camera's and the "voice memo" AP on my iphone. I wont even mention the time spent washing up and putting cloths away and making beds...cus thats just too boring.
So, got up early, well I didn't actually get up I waited in bed until I got a cuppa tea from dearest Danny who was home again today (YAY). I managed to do a bit more on my hat while Danny cuddled Charlie, and got the dinner in the crock pot.

After breakfast Noah and Eli got stuck into decorating their new cardboard cubby house, talk about the best $12 I have every spent.
After breakfast Noah and Eli got stuck into decorating their new cardboard cubby house, talk about the best $12 I have every spent.
They started out with texta's and then Noah had the idea that it would be faster to paint it. Their enthusiasm lasted about 2 hours before burn out occured and paint lay baking in the sun out side. But they keep going back to it, it's great investment.

We did our reading, Josh made a to do list, which seemed to be a big help in getting himself organised for the day, so he got on with his stuff as well as going for a drive with Danny up town. Josh learnt how to do "purl" on his knitting and so is now kniting stocking stitch, well done. Noah and Eli did a far bit of knitting today too, Noah is powering along, at this rate he could solve all global warming problems with one great big scarf.
I washed and hung about a hundred loads of washing, it was such a beautiful day too, so we really enjoyed just being outside, the boys jumping on the tramp. Josh looked after Charlie while Noah and I hit the lawns with the mower, he's a champian at it. Josh took over to do the back lawn while I whipper snippered, or tried to , it was very short lived as it konked out a short way into it. The chooks were happy to see some lovley greens to peck though and some fresh water and foods.
Well deserved icecreams all round after mowing and weeding xxoo
Noah did some copywork and maths, he did very well with his school work today. He and Josh went down to the bike jump at around 4 and I gave Charlie and Eli a bath in the laundry tub(lucky Eli is a little match stick man and folds up to the size of a 6 month old). Chuckles loved his bath and nuddie roll round on the floor.
Everyone was a bit tired this afternoon (must have been all the mowing), so the boys watched Tom & Jerry and looked after Charlie while I got dinner and washing sorted. (Charlie has decided he doesn't need to sleep any more), so while everyone ate dinner Charlie & I went for a "relaxing" walk around the have no idea how stimulateing birds & cars are to a 6 month old. (We smelld some roses, Charlie licked them and got rose petals stuck to his boogers, very cute)Needless to say it still took a further hour to get him to sleep when we got home.

Now all babies & Danny are asleep and I am soon o follow. Another wonderful day.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Week Two - Diary Tuesday 8th Dec 2009
I am writing this on Wednesday, and I am having trouble remembering what we did on Tuesday.
We had a mostly at home day which was nice. I made fresh bread early in the AM, from the sourdough spelt dough I'd set to rise the previous evening, I just Looooove fresh bread for breaky.
We are still making our way through a box full of organic apple I'd bought a few weeks ago and they are starting to show their age, so Josh chopped them up and we made a delish apple crumble which we shared with a guests Sam and Alex for morning tea.
We also started making some activity cards to help with the organisation of our homeschooling and daily activities. We took photos of all different things like: readers, maths books, candle making stuff, sewing, knitting, books etc. we printed them out and laminated them. The idea is that each week we choose X mount of activities we'd like to do and spend the week working through them when we can. We certainly are not the most organised family in the world, so i am hoping this will help us a great deal.
As mentioned, we had some friends over for morning tea, Alex is a sweet little girl Eli used to go to kinder with Eli (Noah went to school with her brother, and I am friends with the mum, Sam), they are very lovely people and we had a nice morning. The kids made some bees wax candles and I taught Alex how to knit because she was desperate to, she did very well.
Noah and Eli made some cards, and played with the blocks and cars and horses, Charlie wanted to play too!!!
I had to go down to the shops a bit later, and I was so stoked to buy a $40 pair of jeans for $15, I love it when that happens. Danny was home today, and he and Josh went phone shopping...and came home with ...IPHONES!!! They are very cool. Another thing to wasted my precious time and make my life "simpler. It is good though, I think I will start taking voice memos so i can remember what we do each day...I've always wanted something like that! Lots of very handy AP's.
The boys had dug out their slot car track for a play, this is very weird for Charlie, his head goes round and round and round, as the cars do, it's quite funny to watch.
We had Adam over for dinner and to help us drink some beer, as we desperately need the bottles on the weekend to bottle some beer. Thanks Adam, that's what friends are for.
It was a nice day and felt very spoilt to have new jeans and a very cool new phone all in the same day.
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