Some time back Danny built a chook house to house a few chook chooks in the back yard so we could have few of our own eggs (Danny did a very good job too might I add). It took us a while to get around to getting the chooks, but finally a few weeks ago, we sent Josh to a farm down the road to select 3 prime egg laying hens for us. Well this story goes a little like Jack taking the cow to market and coming home with magic beans, except the "magic chooks" Josh brought home one by one turned out to be roosters (and very good flyer's too might I add, to this day there may still be a chook free ranging around Somerville). We thought 1 was unlucky, we thought 2 was downright unbelievable, but when we heard another crow a couple of mornings ago, well I half expected it really. Our chook lady is more than happy to exchange them for us, but some how I have a feeling this ain't over yet!!! Oh and FYI, Josh is sacked from livestock selection in the future.
We patiently await the arrival of the first egg, which will hopefully be preceded by the arrival of actual hens.
Our roosters Sparky, Annie, and Cookie. Photos cutesy of Josh. I will keep you posted on upcoming poultry adventures and later tell the story "In which Robyn's favorite hen escapes".
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