Anyway, made it to Dads safe and sound, followed by Dan and Cheryl and kids. We spent about a week there not doing much at all really as it decided to rain for the entire time. 5 adults, 6 kids and two dogs stuck in one house, in the hot humid rain for a week! Well it WAS cozy I'll give it that. But it was great, we chilled out, kids played etc etc.
Did a couple of trips out to Woolie in between showers, kids and dog loved that.
Kids did some fishing and had loads of fun playing with Lee, Maya, Jarrad &Alysa, they all got on so well. Didn't end up catching too much, Biff turned out to be very handy pinning the fish down once they were out of the water...good dog.
Charlie learns to fish off Uncle Dan...
Eli and Charlie having fun together (cute).
One day we took Cheryl and Maya 4wding out the back of mini waters. hmmm that was interesting, thanks Danny. Maya cracks me up.
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