Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Summer Holiday up North #6
Summer Holiday up North #5
Summer Holiday up North #5
Just before we were about to pull up stumps for the night a huge storm came rolling in. We pulled over to batten down the hatches. So of course when you do that in a thunderstorm you choose the tallest most metallic object you can find. Thank you petrol station. we had a feed while we rode out the storm, thankfully it blew over pretty quick and we were able to press on and find a campsite, which we did...very late. Turned out the national park we had planned to camp at was closed, but we had no where else to go so we went in anyway.
Next day we found out why it might have been closed...Oh and did I mention the spider eeeeeew. So many big fat bum spiders with their webs between the trees, not really my most favouite night camping out!!!
Summer Holiday up North #3
Summer Holiday up North #1
Anyway, made it to Dads safe and sound, followed by Dan and Cheryl and kids. We spent about a week there not doing much at all really as it decided to rain for the entire time. 5 adults, 6 kids and two dogs stuck in one house, in the hot humid rain for a week! Well it WAS cozy I'll give it that. But it was great, we chilled out, kids played etc etc.
Did a couple of trips out to Woolie in between showers, kids and dog loved that.
One day we took Cheryl and Maya 4wding out the back of mini waters. hmmm that was interesting, thanks Danny. Maya cracks me up.