Aunty Janine & Charlotte took a holiday to the Gold Coast to visit Gran and
Granpa at there new house. They asked Eli along for the ride and he was more than happy to oblige!

According to all reports Sea World was completely AWESOME! Dolphin show was a hit as was these water cannons you could just shoot at anyone (Eli heaven).

Must have Sea World photo, Charlotte looking "Too Cool For School".

Oh another big hit with Eli was Gran and
Granpas out door shower, never before has this boy washed himself so much. I think I need to get me one of those!!!

Aunty Cheryl

The girlies playing their
girly games on the

Eli thoroughly enjoyed the pool too from what I hear, and is very good at bombs. Luckily he got to catch up with his cousins too.

Granpa with the
Another must have Sea World photo...Thank You so very much to Janine for taking Eli on this whirlwind adventure, and Thank You also to Mum and David for facilitating these adventures...I'm coming next time!!!
Thank you for sharing Eli with us. It made the holiday all the more fun!
ReplyDeleteThats good to hear... Eli makes everything fun!!!