Oh and what a week we had too...it makes me so happy that I am able to provide these opportunities to my children, how blessed we truly are to be homeschooling, to have access to such beautiful environments and spend time with such great friends.

Nothing like a late afternoon walk on the beach to kick off a holiday, not to mention great photo opportunities...I love taking photos in these lights.

Love this photo of Eli captured by the sun.

Kelp everywhere, but not to much that it was gross to swim thankfully.

There were thousands of these crab shells all over the beach in all shapes and sizes

Nature journaling was a big part of what the kids did at camp, all the kids got right into it, it was great. They were involved in night bush walks, bird watching, beach games, insect collecting, beach combing, beach games, bike riding, surfing, swimming, body boarding, beach art and loads more.

Charlie getting amongst it helping out in a special that only Charlie knows how


One afternoon, I (and Charlie) took Josh down for a late swim, it had been a very stressful day (for me) and so it was so relaxing to unwind on the beach and get some more nice shots while I had a spare hand to actually take photos.

Love this one of Josh paddling for a wave at sunset.

Oh and how Charlie loves the beach and water, he just couldn't get enough of it, it was so lovely to watch him so thoroughly enjoy himself. One day I took him in the waves and he loved the waves breaking on him, he ended up falling asleep with waves breaking on him and slept out in the water in my arms for an hour. My water baby.

I was so glad we squeezed the boards in...not as glad as the boys were though.

SURFING...huh who would have thought. One afternoon one of the mother approached the surf school and asked if we could hire out there boards for the afternoon, Josh took to it straight away (as did lots of other kids). My big shock was Noah though, after announcing he wasn't even going to bother trying to stand up...he did and stood up first go. I was bursting with pride, not only at my boys mastering such an awesome skill but Noah outdoing himself.

So cool, love it, go Noah.
Guess what EVERYONE wants for a birthday present now??? Except Noah as he figured out his birthday is forever away, so he just wants a surf...just because.
We stopped at Whiskey Bay on the way out, the rocks there are awesome, we couldn't stay long but we will definitely revisit the Prom another time, hopefully with Danny next time.
There was heaps I didn't get photos of because it was all just a bit too hard sometimes, and I figured it was more important enjoying the moment than trying to capture it on film.
beautiful photo's Karen. What great memories you are creating for you family.